No Silver Bullets - A ThoughtWorks Podcast
Posted on Nov 9 2015
Several weeks ago I was in New York along with some ThoughtWorks' colleagues to put together the latest version of our Tech Radar. Every six months or so we come together to argue about technology and try and distill down some (purposely subjective) viewpoints. In a brief gap between sessions, Erik Doernenburg and I sat down to record an episode of the ThoughtWorks Podcast on the subject of microservices, the cloud, and how neither are the silver bullets that some people claim. Turns out Fred Brooks is still right.
If you subscribe to the ThoughtWorks podcast you'll get the episode (and may others) beamed straight to your personal playback device. Alternatively, you can head over to soundcloud and listen there, or use the embedded version below.
The new version of the Tech Radar that we were working on will be available any day now - I'll make sure to make an announcement here when it goes live!
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