Magpie Talkshow Episode 19 - Aino Corry
Noisy Handryer Edition
Posted on Aug 20 2016
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Welcome back to the Magpie Talkshow Podcast! It's been too long (almost exactly 3 months) since I got the last episode out, and despite having a healthy backlog of interviews recorded I've been unable to find the time to get them out. Since then, a number of things have happened including me moving on from ThoughtWorks, where I have worked for over 12 years. I’ll be sharing more about why I made that decision and what comes next over on my blog at some point soon.
In this, the 19th episode of the podcast, I chat to Aino Corry. Aino, believe it or not, develops developers! We caught up at the Yow conference late last year, just one of a number of conferences in which she plays a key part. We chatted about a number of things including what being a meta-developer means, how to run conferences, diversity in IT, and the importance of retrospectives.
You can follow Aino on twitter @apaipi, and find more details about her work over on Meta Developer or via Linked In.
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