Rip It Up And Start Again?
45min Presentation

How exactly are architecture and organisational structure related, and what does this mean for microservices?
Much of the attention for microservice architectures tends to focus on the technical aspects. But when you look into the details of organisations that have benefited from this approach you realise that there is more to getting the most out of microservices than lots of shinny new technology.
In this talk, I show how organisational structures and team responsibilities may need to change if you want to get the most out of adopting a microservice architecture. Looking at traditional IT structures and comparing them with the modern autonomous delivery teams, he’ll explore how to get the organisation and architecture working well together. From Conway's law, to Dunbar's number and two pizza teams, you'll see how you can start to apply these ideas inside your own company.
You can see a recording of this talk from Jax DevOps 2019 in London below.
You can view the slides here, although please note that given the way I use presentations, it may be hard to get a sense of what the talk is about just by looking at the slides.