Current Talks & Workshops
Here are a list of the talks and workshops I am currently presenting. On request, I can create custom presentations based on specific talks, or alternatively deliver some of my older talks. If you want me to present these topics at your conference or company, then please contact me.
You can also see where I'll be speaking next on my events page.
Where we’re going, we don’t need servers!
Microservices and Serverless - a match made in heaven
Monolith Decomposition Patterns
Patterns to help you incrementally migrate from a monolith to microservices.
Microservices and Serverless
An exploration of how serverless and microservices can work together.

Rip It Up And Start Again?
How exactly are architecture and organisational structure related, and what does this mean for microservices?

Insecure Transit - Microservice Security
A deep dive into some of the technical challenges and solutions to securing a microservice architecture.

What Is This Cloud Native Thing Anyway?
A talk exploring what the hell Cloud Native means

Feature Branches And Toggles In A Post-GitHub World
A talk re-examining feature branches and toggles

Building Microservices Workshop
An interactive day workshop that helps you design and adopt microservices

Microservices, an unexpected journey
A keynote covering the innovations that lead to microservices, and the new advances that could change how we use them
See older talks.