Magpie Talkshow Episode 9 - Troy Hunt

In a change to the normal schedule, rather than releasing episodes in the strict order in which they were recorded I've instead brought forward one of my most recent interviews. In Episode 9 of the Magpie Talkshow, I talk to security consultant, blogger...

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Magpie Talkshow Episode 8 - Beth Skurrie

In the second of two episodes released this week, I chat to Beth Skurrie.

Microservices have been a focus of mine for the last few years, and one of the trickiest problems in this area is how to ensure that when you change one service that you don...

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Magpie Talkshow Episode 7 - Brian Sletten

I was tied up with work an unable to get an episode up last week, so to make up for it you'll be getting not one, but two episodes!

In the first of this week's episodes, I chat to Brian Sletten. Brian has long been passionate about the semantic web...

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Magpie Talkshow Episode 6 - Simon Brown

Simon Brown is a freelance author, consultant and trainer based on Jersey in the channel islands. I've known Simon for a while, and we caught up at Devoxx Poland earlier this year.

Simon's focus for the last few years has been on helping people articulate...

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Magpie Talkshow Episode 4 - Irina Guberman

Some people love their job, and Irina is clearly one of them. Coming into computing via a somewhat unconventional route, Irina spent a long time with Java before discovering Erlang, which as you can tell from our discussion is something of a passion...

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Podcasting on the go...

A few people have asked me what I use to record the podcast so I thought I'd share that here. I suspect there is a lot of options out there that would do as well (and many better) - this just worked for me as a newbie to podcasting and audio editing...

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Magpie Talkshow Episode 3 - Neal Ford

In the 3rd of my 4 interviews at NDC Oslo, I talk to ThoughtWorks colleague and fellow Technical Radar author Neal Ford. Neal talks about his journey into computing, the uneven distribution of holographic politicians, indoor plumbing, and functional...

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